In a technical institute, I was that boy that seemed to never be paying attention. Seemingly in my own world of electronics and technology. I’ve had electronic circuit design in my head since I was a kid. Things never change, though, I’m no longer a kid.
When I started Kumasi Polytechnic, I originally had the idea of going into full-stack electrical and electronics engineering. But right after I had completed the institute, faith took me to Ghana Education Service where I rendered one-year mandatory service to the nation.
I realized that one of the many ways I can do something which will positively impact my country, especially the youth is to contribute my quota in the education sector. To become an educator, yes! a teacher!
Without wasting more years, I took it to the University of Education, Winneba. College of Technology Education, Kumasi to obtain a degree in Electrical and Electronics Technology Education. Congratulations to myself!
After building my first blog site on Google blogger, and getting the instant gratification of praise from others, especially my colleagues, I was hooked up. The internet was my outlet as I was glued to my passion.
A new way to show and share my passions and ideas became the focus of the day. I ended up with Arduino and Micro-controllers when I got the opportunity to assist the able lecturers at my Alma mater. I am so happy that I made that decision.
When it comes to Teaching and Tutorials, Project Construction, Electrical installation, Electronics circuit design, simulation and implementation, Electronics Troubleshooting, Microcontrollers, Internet-of-things and Automation, am your man!
I do the work I do because I love it. Honestly, I like the industry. And, of course, I like the people I meet. I embrace the nerd and face any situation with confidence. I like to make the industry (Electrical/Electronics/Embedded Systems) a better place.
Just Keep involved and we can make the industry and the world at large a better place together. Regards, am Boateng Oduro. You can WhatsApp me on +233266302607